If you are looking to perform a DMCA takedown request on content on this website, please email [email protected]

A DCMA takedown request requires the following information:

    Full Legal Name/Full Legal Business Name

    Country of Residence

    Main Address


    Infringing content

All DMCA takedown requests will be reviewed by me, and false takedown requests may be forwarded to the appropriate authorities. All DMCA takedown requests will be listed at the bottom of the page, with Full Legal Name, Country of Residence, and content attempted to be taken down. This is shown for transparency reasons.

If a takdown request is sent to one of your comments (and the comment wasn't sent annonymously), and the content is potentially infringing on the submitters copyright, you will have the option to submit a counter-strike

You will need to submit the same info as above when submitting a counter-strike, however counter-strikes are not made public

By submitting a DMCA takedown request or counter-strike, you are officially initiating an official legal procedure, and you agree that any data can be forwarded to UK and/or to your own countries law enforcement.

Submitting false DMCA takdown requests or counter-strikes is considered illegal and can lead to a fine or prison sentence.

Historical DMCA Takedown Requests:

None yet!